
As of this moment I’ve decided that I will use this website to tell you about any project that I’ve been working on no matter how small it is. This way you get to find out more about me and what I can do. It also makes this website a big more interesting and helpful.

On Tuesday I decided that I will put a hit counter back on my personal website, www.cosmo1847.co.uk. I have done a hit counter before with PHP but the way they worked was to count everytime the script was loaded, meaning that when someone clicked refresh it would count them again. The way I got around this was by only loading the script when the first some one the website.

This was not what I wanted, I have progressed since then and I wanted a unique visitor counter so I would know how many people used my website. After looking about I found this guide which shows you how to make a unique hit counter using some files to store the information. Using this as a template I set about making a unique hit counter using MySQL and PHP. I used MySQL because it is more secure and as this will have to store IP addresses I don’t really want to leave them lying about in a readable format. The hit counter is now working on my personal website but it does not display the amount of visitors as I do not want them to know so I currently access via MySQL Query Browser, one of the tools I use for MySQL work.

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