This morning we changed our ISP from Orange (it was freeserve when we joined) to Demon Internet. The reason for the change was to get rid of all the spam that we have been getting over the years and to save money. Demon Internet is cheaper than Orange was and provided a better service with no download limits. At a later point when the server is generating income we may change to a static IP address meaning that the down time will be reduced.

2 Replies to “ISP”

  1. The speeds are the same as before unfortunately due to our local phone exchange. The connection speed allowed is 8Mb/s but the fastest we can get here is 2.5Mb/s which is what we are on now. The upload speed is unaffected at 448Kb/s but we are still on a dynamic IP address because the static costs more monthly and is not used at the moment. There is no usage limit but if we do use a lot the speed will be slowed down at peak times and they’ll ask us to upgrade.

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